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Noah’s Moment


Noah and his mom

Photo by Neree Jackson | Studio You

A contribution of $150 supports our work with one family in need. Since 2002, the support from our community has enabled us to change the lives of thousands of families in the Lakes Area–and for that, we thank you.

Tim and Sara are young parents. Last spring their son Noah was born prematurely. Tim was employed and Sara had been staying home to care for Noah. The couple was managing okay, even though the medical bills had been adding up since their son’s birth.

Then in October, their furnace went out. It had been in need of maintenance for some time, but with Noah’s extra medical needs in addition to the added expenses of a new baby, the couple simply didn’t have anything left in their budget at the end of a month.

On the coldest days, Sara had been using the oven to warm the house while keeping herself and Noah wrapped in blankets. Noah was starting to crawl and Sara knew she couldn’t continue to open the oven door—but she felt like she just didn’t have any other options.

Thankfully, that’s when Sara was connected with Bridges of Hope by a friend from her weekly Bible study. We were able to talk through some options with Sara and, in the end, pay less than $200 for the repair. Within about two weeks, the couple had a working furnace—and a warm home. Now, almost one year later, Noah is beginning to talk, has met nearly all of his developmental milestones, and is able to move around safely in his home.

You make great stories like this one happen. Every day, situations like Tim and Sara’s become a reality for families across the Lakes Area. There are small crisis for some families, and larger ones for others. At Bridges of Hope we are able to act quickly, and in many cases, put a family back on track with a very small amount of financial support. A family just like little Noah’s.

We invite you to join us in our Annual Fall Fundraising Campaign. We must raise $60,000 to eliminate our year-end funding gap and allow us to change the lives of 400 more families we are expecting to serve between now and the end of the year. Would you consider a gift of $150 to support a family like Tim, Sara and Noah? 

Here’s how to get involved:

  1. Make your gift today or on Give to the Max Day (Wed, November 16), when your online gift will be doubled, up to $10,000!

  2. Set up a recurring donation. $25/mo supports two families over the course of a year.

  3. Visit Common Goods to see our progress: thanks to the generosity of Nor-Son and Simonson Lumber, we are building a real bridge to symbolize our progress toward closing our funding gap. Learn more.

  4. Pray for us. Pray for our board, staff, and the families we serve; and pray we are able to eliminate our year-end funding gap.

  5. “Like” us on Facebook and visit our website often to monitor the Campaign’s progress.

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