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Common Goods for the Common Good

Did you ever think that you could give back by purchasing something for yourself? Well, you can! Shopping at Common Goods not only helps you by expanding & accessorizing your wardrobe, finding a unique piece of furniture that you think, “I know just where that will fit perfectly in my home,” or finding a board game you used to play as a kid (and can now play with your children). It also helps others in our community by partially funding the programs at Bridges of Hope, bridging the gap between area resources and people who need them.

As the new Retail Manager at Common Goods, I am thrilled to be part of helping this community, and I thank you for shopping often and helping to make the caring work of Bridges of Hope possible for nearly 3,000 Lakes Area households each year. That is what our tag line is all about:

“Common Goods for the Common Good”in our community. All of the proceeds from sales at Common Goods STAY LOCAL!!

For those of you who wish to have a more ‘hands-on’

approach to helping out, you can donate your time and talent at the store. In 2013, our amazing volunteers graciously donated 850 hours of their time. Wow! That equates to 18 weeks worth of volunteered time! For some, it’s a onetime event and for others, it is a weekly and year long contribution. To learn more about the volunteer opportunities available please contact Common Goods at 218-824-0923.

It is YOUR ongoing support through shopping and volunteering, that make our motto “Common Goods, for the Common Good” possible. THANK YOU!!

Like us on Facebook to keep up to date on discounts, sales & events at Common Goods!

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Nov 24, 2020

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