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Hope in our Community

It’s over halfway through the year; a good time to pause and look back on what we’ve done so far in 2018. A quick glance at our database tells me we’ve served over 750 households (~1,950 people) thus far through our 5 different programs; hallelujah! Praise God that there is hope when faced with hardship!

I can look at numbers and graphs, trends and changes that speak to the volume of crisis faced here in the Lakes Area; but that doesn’t really breathe light into the ways lives are  touched. To give scope to the impact of our work here at Bridges, I’d like to share a few recent client experiences with Bridges of Hope:

  1. Kara has secured stable housing on her own, and at age 12 years old her daughter has her own bedroom for the first time in her life.

  2. Nathan has secured employment less than a month after his former employer unexpectedly closed down. With some assistance from an area church group and Bridges of Hope, he was able to catch up on the rent owed and maintain paying for his expenses moving forward.

  3. Mindy is active in a women’s support group, and planning out healthy activities for her and her daughter to intentionally spend time reconnecting through.

  4. Nora has spent most of her time in and out of different foster homes, but finally at age 8 has found an adoptive family. With help from Bridges of Hope, she has a team of professionals who are willing to support the adoptive family and the child, is involved in school activities, and is growing and developing healthy relationships and behaviors.

  5. Alan is successfully managing a tight budget on social security, and despite his disability, gives back to his community by volunteering at a non-profit several times each week.

  6. With assistance from Bridges of Hope, Gina was able to cut monthly expenses by moving into a more affordable apartment closer to work and school that also allowed her two children to have their own room.

  7. John has maintained sobriety for two years, regained custody of his child, successfully trained for and accepted a job in mental health, and has healthy supports in place.

Success can be measured in many ways. Steven Sawalich said, “Help the life of one person and you can help the community.” We know that systemic change often starts small, and sometimes with just one person. At Bridges of Hope, we are celebrating the success of people gaining stability in life, and most importantly, gaining hope. Because of the support of people like you, there is a place to call when adversity strikes. Thank you for partnering with Bridges of Hope in serving our community!

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