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What is a warming shelter?

What is a warming shelter?
A first of its kind resource in the Brainerd Lakes Area

The warming shelter is a place for individual adults 18+ to receive a safe, warm night of rest.

As a low-barrier entry model, shelter guests can “come as they are” while having clear and simple behavioral expectations for when they are housed in the warming shelter.

The shelter will be open from 8:00 pm – 8:00 am each day. Doors lock at 10:00 pm, and while people are allowed to leave at any time, they will not be allowed to re-enter after 10pm. For the safety of our staff and guests, shelter guests will not be allowed to drink alcohol or use drugs while residing in the shelter. Features of the shelter include:

• A simple intake process
• A hot cup of coffee
• Overnight storage bins for shelter guests’ belongings
• Camera security to keep everyone safe

Potential vision for the future:

• Add showers and laundry facilities
• Provide basic needs items
• Referrals to community partners

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