60K in 60 Days Kick-Off Event a Success
On Friday, November 1, about fifty brave souls gathered at the Franklin Arts Center parking lot for lunch at Prairie Bay’s Side Dish food...
60K in 60 Days Kick-Off Event a Success
Dustyne’s Moment
Where will you be on November 1?
A Look Back at 2012…Our Annual Report
One step forward…and another step back.
Crisis Nursery to the Rescue!
Dustin & Ashley’s Moment
James & Molly’s Moment
Jane & Sharon: Walking Side by Side
Iris’ Moment
Tom & Kelly’s Moment
Golf Tournament Goal to Raise $20,000
Churches Play a Key Role
Maggie’s Moment
New Program Puts Participants “Side by Side”
Time to Dust Off Those Running Shoes!
It’s Not About the Bunny, the Candy, and the Ham. Or is it?
New Collaboration with Salem WEST Begins April 1
YOU made it a Happy New Year!
His Blessings Abound